Folimat          Foil -machine 


Multi-talent :

Universal foil-laying machine
for the laying of PE -mulch foils
- lay foil / no weed growth
- slit holes / variable space between plants
- perforate foil / promotes good exchange
of gases
- lay drip hose /low water consumption,
liquid fertilization

System: Schlitzteufel

When laying the foil between 1 and 80 holes per m² arranged crossways in sizes of 30 - 50 - 70 - 90 mm may be silt. Depending on the setting, it is possible to arrange the plant holes in units or in squares. A drip hose may also be laid at the same time in one operation. Performance: depending on the ground conditions between 1-5 Km/h. This is an inexpensive alternative to the conventional planting methods.

Patent registration no. DE 101 42090.0 "Mulch foil"

Foil variations:

From 30-50 my
microperforated foils, prepierced mulch foil with round holes 30 - 100 mm diameter,

1-80 holes per m²
Our address:
C & S Hoffacker
Grindweg 10 
46487 Wesel-Büderich
Tel.  : 02803/800358
Fax   : 02803/800258 
Email :

Technischer Ansprechpartner:

Franz-Josef Hoffacker
Mobil:+49 171/7845990

Christian Hoffacker
Mobil:+49 160/90284389

Stefan Hoffacker
Mobil:+49 157/83763826